Devil may cry
Devil may cry

devil may cry

Sometimes used more lightheartedly when talking about more appropriate games like Project X Zone. Also used mockingly for other games where his inclusion seems gratuitous, such as Puzzle Fighter and the PlayStation 2 version of Viewtiful Joe.The label has been used in many a parody whenever a game is trying too hard to appeal to a "mainstream" crowd, or for crossovers in general, usually alongside the "& Knuckles" meme. Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series! Explanation A mockery of the PAL cover of Nocturne ◊ (called Lucifer's Call there for trademark reasons) which seemed to imply that Dante would be the main selling point ( which he may have been for some), despite his relatively minimal role in the plot, with his only appearances being as a mandatory boss relatively early in the game, a Bonus Boss later on, and a recruitable ally near the end of the game.Also was used by the detractors of the reboot to insult the new design of Dante ◊. ◊ Explanation An MS Paint parody of the series' adherence to Rule of Cool, showing Dante breaking out flashy choreography simply to mail an insulting letter to Vergil. Further mutations and successor memes, if any.]The explanation behind the meme, if necessary.] Explanation Like this. Please add entries in the following format:

Devil may cry